When you choose to give on a recurring basis you become the means that keeps the clinic and resource center in operation all year round. Every donation counts no matter the size, yet it is the confidence and reliability that comes with recurring donations that brings this ministry an extra blessing. We thank you for considering this tremendous gift.
The 'Circle of Hope" is a simple way to honor and commemorate those of you who give on a recurring basis. In the logo design shown here, we visualize how we encircle our clients and offer them hope. In much the same way, your prayers and support encircle this Ministry. It is you who completes this circle. Your recurring donation and ongoing prayer become our anchor as described in the Bible verse from Hebrews below.
Click on the Circle of Hope or Support Today to set up your recurring donation now.
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19